Our articles are AI assisted

Let our AI write HIGH QUALITY Content for half the cost

Using advanced artificial intelligence and deep learning, we can write completely unique, SEO optimized, high-quality articles.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The ability of a computer to do tasks that are usually done by humans because they require human intelligence and discernment. (Britanica)

Let our AI write HIGH QUALITY Content for half the cost

Using advanced artificial intelligence and deep learning, we can write completely unique, SEO optimized, high-quality articles.

Articles written by AI
Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The ability of a computer to do tasks that are usually done by humans because they require human intelligence and discernment. (Britanica)

We Use Advanced Artificial Intelligence To Help Us Write Unique Content With The Same Quality As A Human Writer For A Fraction Of The Cost.

Just like the one you’re reading right here, on this very page, and throughout our site.

Use AI to Help WIth Your Content

Artificial Intelligence Can Help Solve Your Content Creation Problems

Good content is crucial but unless you’re a proficient writer, with a background in SEO, content can be extremely expensive and time-consuming to create. Artificial intelligence can solve that but like all the tools out there, unless you know what you do, you might be back to square one.

Artificial Intelligence Can Help Solve Your Content Creation Problems

Good content is crucial but unless you’re a proficient writer, with a background in SEO, content can be extremely expensive and time-consuming to create. Artificial intelligence can solve that but like all the tools out there, unless you know what you do, you might be back to square one.

AI Content Creation

SEO Optimized Content

Google reliance on Artificial Intelligence is increasing week by week.

With that in mind, it makes sense that a piece of content written with the assistance of AI will be by optimized by the AI to match the algorithms Google uses.

AI Content for SEO

AI Cannot do it ALL

While the use of AI is becoming increasingly popular, it is important to remember that however good the AI tool is, there is no substitute for expertise and knowledge.

AI is smart, but not quite smart enough.

Every piece of content we publish is 60% AI assisted and the remaining 40% are written and edited by an actual human.

AI Cannot Do It ALL!

While the use of AI is becoming increasingly popular, it is important to remember that however good the AI tool is, there is no substitute for expertise and knowledge.

AI is smart, but not quite smart enough.

Every piece of content we publish is 60% AI assisted and the remaining 40% are written and edited by an actual human.

Example of articles written with the aid of   Advanced Artificial Intelligence

What content should we write for you?

Examples of AI Assisted Written Articles
Blogging in 2022

For approaching 25 years now, I’ve been earning a substantial amount of money from my blogs (and various other websites) through a combination of passive income sources, affiliate marketing and various other channels.

In this article I share my predictions for the future of blogging. I predict that blogging will be one of the most profitable online businesses in 2022 and beyond.

One of the first questions I am always asked by my customers is one you probably are wondering about:

How do I create a blog and make money money from it? Hopefully a lot of money…

There is no simple answer to that other than:

  1. If you are consistent
  2. And keep going
  3. Your blog will grow
  4. And become a successful money making website

Here are some of the steps you will need to achieve your goals:

1. Decide On Your Niche

It is important to know your niche! Your niche is the specific topic or area of interest that you specialize in. It can be anything from cooking to fashion to gardening.

Once you know what your niche is, you can start to develop content that is specifically designed to appeal to your audience.

There are two school of thoughts when it comes to your niche:

Say you have a website relating to the topic of fitness and coaching. One school of thought recommends that:

???? Your website should target as narrow a niche as possible. For example, a fitness coach should only target gluten intolerant women between the age 20 to 30.

The other is of the opinion that:

???? A very narrow niche is really too restrictive and would and could actually impede the growth of your website.

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Breastfeeding FAQ’s: Pain, discomfort and healing

Question: Is It Normal to Have Cramps While Breastfeeding?

Answer: Cramps are a normal part of being a new mom. It’s your body telling you it’s time to stop feeding your baby. You may have a few moments of discomfort with contractions, but this is a sign that you’re ready to stop. Keep in mind, it’s not unusual to experience cramps and discomfort as a mom. Just listen to your body, and know that you can do it again.

Question: Is It Normal for My Breasts to Get Engorged?

Answer: This is quite normal for nursing mothers; the milk is usually stored up in the breasts and is released by the body when the child needs it. Sometimes, some extra milk is released by the mother to keep up with her baby’s demand.

Question: Is It Normal to Feel Pain During or After Breastfeeding?

Answer: While the pain that a mother experiences with breast feeding varies from person to person, as a general rule, new mothers experience discomfort rather than pain. This is caused by stretching and tearing of the tissue of the areola (the dark pink area around the nipple). Most women will experience mild discomfort during the first two to three weeks of breast feeding.

Question: But how can you treat cracked nipples if you have them?

Answer: In most cases, cracked and sore nipples are a sign of an overactive letdown reflex. It is important to encourage your milk ducts to let down, allowing the flow of milk that relieves your baby’s discomfort. This can be done by using a breast pump with a long, soft silicone tube inserted into the nipple to stimulate the ducts. Your nipples will gradually soften and heal, often within a week. 

Question: You’ve heard that breastfeeding shouldn’t be painful, but every time you feed your breasts ache and sting — what’s going on?

Answer: Nipple sores are caused by an overgrowth of the bacteria, candida. This is a natural, usually harmless fungus that lives in our bodies, mostly in the mouth and on our skin. When it’s not causing any harm, we call it a “good” fungus. When it gets out of control, it can produce pus. That’s when it becomes harmful and causes uncomfortable irritation. To help your nipples heal faster, start by washing your hands with soap and warm water.

Question: What If Pumping Hurts?

Answer: Pumping should not hurt… under the right circumstances. Proper care of the pump includes cleaning and drying it after use. You should also check your milk supply each month by making sure that you have let-down. Pumping may be uncomfortable when you first begin. Keep a list of all the activities you do with your baby (such as nursing, pumping, exercising) to determine what causes your discomfort.

I miss the person I was before I had kids

I knew that my life was about to change when I was admitted to the hospital to give birth to my daughter. I knew that my way of life would change as well as my daily routine. I don’t think I realized exactly how much my life would change as I took on the responsibilities of “parent”. As my status changed into that of “parent,” I felt myself change.

I used to be a free-spirited woman who didn’t have any responsibilities. I didn’t even have to worry about anything. I could do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted to do it. My life was my own, and I didn’t have to worry about anyone.

But that was before I had kids…

Now, I’m a mom of two beautiful children and a wife of one handsome husband. I’m been a stay-at-home mom where I also work.

Whisper it quietly, but most women will often admit that they miss being able to have fun without worrying about having to take care of a child. I must admit, I am one of them…

“I miss the person I used to be before I had kids.” That’s what a friend of mine said recently. She was referring to the person she used to be before her first child was born.

Somehow that comment of hers struck a chord and had me look into my own life, before I became a mom.