For approaching 25 years now, I’ve been earning a substantial amount of money from my blogs (and various other websites) through a combination of passive income sources, affiliate marketing and various other channels.

In this article I share my predictions for the future of blogging. I predict that blogging will be one of the most profitable online businesses in 2022 and beyond.

How to make money blogging

One of the first questions I am always asked by my customers is one you probably are wondering about:

How do I create a blog and make money money from it? Hopefully a lot of money…

There is no simple answer to that other than:

  1. If you are consistent
  2. And keep going
  3. Your blog will grow
  4. And become a successful money making website

Here are some of the steps you will need to achieve your goals:

 1. Decide On Your Niche

It is important to know your niche! Your niche is the specific topic or area of interest that you specialize in. It can be anything from cooking to fashion to gardening.

Once you know what your niche is, you can start to develop content that is specifically designed to appeal to your audience.

There are two school of thoughts when it comes to your niche:

Say you have a website relating to the topic of fitness and coaching. One school of thought recommends that:

???? Your website should target as narrow a niche as possible.  For example, a fitness coach should only target gluten intolerant women between the age 20 to 30.

The other is of the opinion that:

???? A very narrow niche is really too restrictive and would and could actually impede the growth of your website.


Know your niche


Find out what people are searching for in your particular niche, and use that information to find keywords. You should also consider the competition and how many other websites are competing for those keywords. If there are too many websites competing for a keyword, it will be harder for you to rank well in search engines, and people may not click on your website. The same is true of websites that don’t have much content.

The take away:

????  Websites with a clear niche grow significantly faster than ones without.

????  The more specific you can get the better! As long as you’re not restricting the growth of your niche.

By all means, be niche specific and stay within the scope of that niche. If you start to add in other subjects, not typically related to your main niche, you begin to split your audience and confuse them.

And to paraphrase a known instagram influencer:

????‍♂️ WHEN YOU CONFUSE, YOU LOSE!! ????‍♂️

That’s why in recommend that the majority of your posts both on your website and your supporting social media accounts be related to your niche!!!

2. Know Your Audience

To ensure that your posts will reach your intended audience, you need to know who they are, what they like and what they don’t like, as well as the types of articles they prefer to read.

Know your audience

Here are some questions you can ask in order to build an audience framework:

  • What is your audience?
  • What problems are they facing that you can help solve?
  • What kind of content are they looking for?
  • How would they ideally try to find the answers to their questions?

You can also expand on the above by adding further personalized questions such as:

  • How old are they?
  • What are their occupations?
  • What is their education level?
  • What is their expertise level in the subject matter of your blog?

I strongly suggest that you create a buyer persona (also known as a buyer profile or a buyer profile) for your brand.

If you’re thinking about starting an online store, this is the step you’ll want to take first to ensure that your website and products are meeting the needs of its ideal customer.

Why Blogging Will Continue to Grow in the Next 5 Years

Blogging is a great way to make money online. You don’t have to be an extraordinary writer or have any special skills. But you do need to be persistent and consistent. The best bloggers are the ones who can build a community around their blogs and keep them going.


Bloggers are usually folks who are passionate about a topic and want to share their knowledge with others. They need to be persistent and consistent in order to build a community around their blog and keep it going.

Building traffic to your blog

1. Add content

Studies show that people who frequently update their blogs are more likely to see increased traffic to their sites.

Google gives higher priority to websites with fresh content, so if you want to get more attention from the search engines, update your blog at least twice a week.

Content should be added to a site on a regular basis for the site to remain current and relevant to your audience.

How often should that be? It really depends on the type of site you are creating.

The accepted consensus is that adding new content on a regular basis is generally a good idea, as it helps to keep your site top of mind for potential visitors and boosts your SEO efforts.

Quality and Quantity are the keys here when posting content to your site.


Add regular content to your site

2. Use social media to promote your posts

Share new blog posts across your social media networks. This includes:

  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • Facebook
  • Google Business
  • Pinterest
  • Tumblr
  • StumbleUpon
  • Instagram

Social Media is known to boost brand awareness, followers’ engagements and traffic to a website.

How much traffic depends on a variety of factors.

But, if you’re looking for a quick and easy way to get more exposure for your website, using Instagram can be a good way to start.

Follow me on Instagram for more information on how social media can help your online business!

For the purpose of this website, I have decided to only use Instagram as a supporting social media platform.

Combining social media with your website is a necessity in today’s marker at social media allows you to expand on your brand, create interest and engagement from your followers.

The drawback is that maintaining a social media account is time consuming and takes a lot of effort, dedidation and know how.

A simple strategy is to use a social sharing tool like Hello Woofy to make the process easier.

Or let me take over your social media account.

3. Write compelling titles.

Content is king, but a title can make or break a post. This is even true for blog titles that people often ignore. Keep your titles short and interesting to increase their impact.

Your readers are your blog’s most important asset. This means you need to keep them engaged with engaging content and get them to come back for more. Readers are the lifeblood of a blog, and when they come back, they are much more likely to subscribe.

4. Build your brand and know your target audience

You should always ask yourself who your target audience is. If you don’t know them, then it’s impossible to cater your content to them. Your writing should tell the same story over and over again, but with different words or phrases.

5. Add images to your blog

Studies have shown that images in blog posts boost readership. Not only does a photo make the post more visually appealing, but you can also include keywords in the Alt Image tag on the photo, boosting search engine optimization (SEO) for your site.

When looking for free images for your website, try searching for them on sites like or

Don’t just pick any picture you find because of the copyright law that states it may be in violation of the rights of the photographer or owner of the original image.

Nearly all the images I have used on this page are from pixabay.

6. Incorporate keywords

Keywords are the foundation of search engine optimization. You need them to make sure that your site appears high in search engine results when someone searches for it.

While writing a blog, choose one important keyword that you believe your target audience will search for. Then incorporate that keyword into the blog title, the page header, the content and within the content at least twice, in a featured image and also as part of the page link.

Keyword concentration helps Google understand what that page is about, which can ultimately lead to more traffic from the search engines. This also has implications for SEO and social media, which we will discuss in the next chapter.

7. Add social sharing buttons

If you want people to share your content on the internet, the best way to do this is to make it easy for them.

It is important therefore to ensure your content is easy to share. WordPress offers a plethora of free social sharing plugins you can install in your blog to share your content.

8. Re-Share past content

Sharing content on social media is important but only if you have something new to share.  Use the social media of your choice to share your latest work.

Sharing old content is one of the most powerful social media tools.

There’s no denying that information on a website is far more important than when it was first written. Readers don’t care about a site’s age as long as the content is still relevant to their needs.

9. Add video

The Internet has become an integral part of our lives, but it’s not just a place for looking for products and services. It’s a place for connecting, communicating and sharing information.

Videos can be a great way to communicate with your audience. They can be informative, entertaining, and engaging. They can also be a valuable tool for promoting your article. One the most efficient ways to communicate with your audience is to include videos in your article.

Videos increase followers engagement. Videos can help followers engage with your content more. By providing a short, concise, and visually appealing video, you can help followers learn more about your product or company, and increase their engagement with your content.

How to Convert Blog Traffic into Sales in the Future

1. Setup Push Notifications for Your Site

Website push notifications are great for keeping your users in touch with new content, promotions or special deals on your site.

This is the top 5 traffic source on most of my sites. As part of the experiment with regards to the creation of a brand new site for entrepreuners on a budget, I have decided to use a tool called: Perfecty Push Notifications.

I recommend it because it’s free and does a good job. It’s a self-hosted, open Source and powerful push notification plugin which can send push notifications from your own server for free!

It is possible to get people to respond to a notification faster than with other forms of communication. Your best bet for getting people to interact with a message is to give them something worth responding to.

If you’re looking to grow your business, the best part is that you can stay connected to visitors even after they’ve left your site. We use it on all of our sites and it’s by far the best traffic channel for us.

2. Build your email list

Writing compelling content that engage the reader’s attention is a great first step. It’s also an excellent reason for your readers to subscribe to your new subscribers.

Building an email list is an excellent way tool you can use to communicate directly with your readers.  This is especially true if you have any form of marketing or advertising that doesn’t rely on search engine optimization.

Make it easy for your readers to sign up:

Option 1: Scroll down Subscribe Pop up

This pop up would include a message like:

Make sure to subscribe to our channel for more content like this! And if you like what you see, please share it with your friends!

Option 2: Use sales funnel

A sales funnel is a method of converting leads to sales. Sales funnels are a marketing strategy where a website offers one thing for free in order to attract potential customers. The goal is to move leads through the sales process and get them to purchase the offered product or service. A sales funnel is a model that represents the journey of a lead through the sales process, starting with initial interest, awareness, and consideration of the offer, and ending with purchase or rejection.

3: Call To Action

When it comes to convincing people to buy from you, there’s no way to get around the importance of creating an offer that is easy for prospects to act on. It starts with clearly identifying what action they need to take.

Including a clear call to action in every blog article you publish can lead to more traffic, new sales and leads. Including social share buttons at the bottom of a blog article will help visitors easily share your article, further expanding the reach of the article.

The use of a contact form on your website can make it easier for people to leave feedback or comments about what they just read. Make sure that it’s easy for them to do so.

Using the footer or other parts of the website as a space to communicate with your customers or visitors is a good way to engage your audience. A great example is an open button that allows your readers to contact the site owner for help, information or any other interaction they may desire.

To draw people in and make it clear that there’s more to see, many websites use a feature known as “tweet buttons.

How to Build a Blog and Earn Passive Income in the Future

Monetizing your blog

How can you monetize your blog? There are a number of ways to monetize a blog, including:

  • Advertising – You can place ads on your blog or sell advertising space to other businesses. Google AdSense for example are ads that Google publish through a network of website who target an audience related to a particular niche. These ads will typically only pay out in pennies per click, but they can still work for your blog if you are in a niche where you get enough clicks and impressions to make the ads worthwhile.
  • Selling products or services
  • Charging for access to content – A membership site where you charge readers for access to content, such as e-books, video tutorials etc.
  • Affiliate marketing – Unlike an ad where you get paid per impression, affiliate marketing allows you to sell somebody else products or services.
    Benefits of affiliate marketing:
    There are many benefits to affiliate marketing, including the ability to make a lot of money quickly. If you have a website, you can start an affiliate marketing business and make money right away. You can also use the affiliate marketing to promote other people’s products or services. The great thing about this type of business is that there are no limits on how much you can make. The only downside is that it requires a lot of work to get started.
    The main drawback is that you have to find products that people are willing to buy. Affiliate marketing is not for everyone. You need to have a good product to offer and you need to have a good understanding of the affiliate marketing industry.
    You only get paid when a purchase is made through your website.


Search Engine Optimization

If you want your site to grow, it’s vital to include search engine optimization (SEO) when you create your website and publish content for it.  This means learning as much about the various algorithms Google and other search engines, such as Google, Yahoo and Bing, use so that your website ranks higher than its competitors. This knowledge comes with experience and may take quite a while to master, though no one, irrespective of what they claim can ever be a master in that field.